For Doctors By Doctors

about us

67% of Clinicians are dissatisfied with the manner in which they produce their patient medical notes. We believe the Clinician should not have to adapt to the EMR, the EMR should adapt to the Clinician.


A group of physician specialists, frustrated with the cumbersome systems that only produce a mediocre note and lack the ability to efficiently code the visit, knew there was a better way.


NotePro™ is written specifically for the medical profession by medical professionals. It uses Clinician language and methodology to produce a thorough, comprehensive medical note that, with its proprietary linking system, also automatically codes ICD10, CPT & HCPCS codes to the highest level of specificity, optimizing revenue.

NotePro™ offers the Clinician specialty-specific Chief Complaints, HPI, PE, Plan, Orders and Patient Education, along with our innovative coding solution. There is no need to move from tab to tab. The Clinician works in the NotePro™ area producing a well-documented and coded medical note into the existing EMR. This solution is not only compatible with all existing EMRs but can be used wherever and whenever the Clinician needs it, irrespective of the clinical setting.

The completed medical note, through an interface, becomes a permanent part of your patient’s medical record within your EMR system.


NotePro™ simplifies note-making practices, links all aspects of patient care, provides a portable document that is compatible with all EHR platforms, and practice management companies.



our story

We are a group of doctors who set out to revolutionize the industry.

We are tired of treating computer screens, wasting precious clinical time to create clinically-useless mediocre documentation.

Exhausted from fighting insurance companies, government imposed regulations, and lawyers, we needed to come up with a better solution.


NotePro™ was born to write notes in our own language. It was born to follow the natural flow of patient diagnosis to clinical care. It was born to nurture the physician.

In the end, we now have more time for patients – the reason we were drawn into medicine in the first place.

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ELLKAY's Contribution

NotePro™ teamed up with ELLKAY, a national leader in healthcare connectivity solutions to offer medical content to all doctors, no matter which platform they use.

With an accumulated 25+ years of experience in the healthcare industry and expertise in EMR connectivity, ELLKAY founders Lior Hod and Kamal Patel provided the technological foundation needed to build NotePro.





Together, they created an application that provides physicians with a convenient, automated solution for linking medical documentation.


NotePro™ simplifies note-making practices, links all aspects of patient care, provides a portable document that is compatible with all EHR platforms, and practice management companies.


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About US

NotePro™ is created for Doctors, by Doctors providing time-saving, comprehensive and individualized medical notes for ALL specialties. NotePro's  proprietary linking system dramatically improves the quality of the note, reduces Clinician time and maximizes revenue reimbursement.


NotePro™ saves Clinicians time, simplifies their note-making practices, links all aspects of patient care, provides a portable document that is Compatible with all EHR platforms and  automates insurance coding.

NotePro™ is the Medical Content Wizard!






Internal Medicine











Physical Therapy

Plastic Surgery

Workers Compensation

Wound Care

The Medical Content Wizard


1333 S. Allen Street, Suite 1
State College, PA 16801


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